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Transform Your Thighs with EMSculpt Neo

Dec 4, 2023

5 Min Read

EMSculpt Neo Thigh Treatment: What to Expect

Have you ever felt like your thighs are in a constant battle with your fitness goals? If you're nodding in agreement, rest assured, you're not alone. The journey to toned thighs is often paved with challenges, especially due to their tendency to store 'sex-specific fat'. But we've got the perfect solution at Reshape Clinic… EMSculpt Neo, it's time to revolutionise your leg contouring journey

Why Thighs Can Be Tricky

It's a familiar frustration for many – despite countless squats and lunges, thighs often refuse to cooperate. This stubbornness largely stems from hormone-influenced fat deposits that cling to our thighs. While muscle building is essential for that toned look, traditional exercises alone struggle to make a dent in thigh fat.

The Solution? EMSculpt Neo

Enter EMSculpt Neo – our innovative answer to this common dilemma. As a trailblazer in non-invasive treatments, EMSculpt Neo marries electromagnetic and Radio Frequency (RF) energies to target both fat and muscle. Picture a two-pronged approach: chiselling away fat while boosting muscle strength and tone.

The EMSculpt Neo Experience: A Game-Changer

Imagine transforming your thighs in just 30-minute sessions at Reshape Clinic. Each session, performed by an experienced aesthetic doctor, is equivalent to 24,000 muscle contractions, a feat impossible to replicate with standard exercises.

EMSculpt Neo Results backed by research

EMSculpt Neo's effectiveness isn't just hype; it's backed by solid clinical studies. On average, it ramps up muscle by 25% and slashes fat by 30%. The cherry on top? It welcomes individuals across a broad spectrum, including those with a BMI of up to 35.

EMSculpt Neo vs. Traditional Methods

Forget about one-dimensional treatments like CoolSculpting that only focus on fat. EMSculpt Neo, performed by our skilled aesthetic doctors, is the whole package, simultaneously tackling fat and muscle for more comprehensive thigh sculpting results.

Your Journey to Toned Thighs Begins Here

At Reshape Clinic, we're excited to bring EMSculpt Neo's thigh-transforming magic to you. Our team, led by experienced aesthetic doctors, is here to guide your transformation journey.

Why Choose Reshape Clinic?

Opting for EMSculpt Neo at Reshape Clinic means choosing a blend of expertise and customised care. Our doctor-led approach ensures that each treatment is tailored to your unique body and aesthetic aspirations.

Common EMSculpt Neo Questions

  • Will I need downtime after treatments? Absolutely not. You can get right back to your day after each doctor-performed session.

  • How soon can I expect to see results? Patience is key. You'll start noticing changes a few weeks post-treatment, with full results typically shining through after three months.

  • Is the treatment painful? It's more of a novel sensation than pain – like an intense workout but without the muscle soreness afterward.

Have more questions? Visit our EMSculpt Neo page for all your answers or call us at +44 7909 843543, our lead doctors will be happy to help!

Ready to Reshape Your Thighs?

Bid farewell to stubborn thigh fat and embrace toned, sculpted legs with EMSculpt Neo at Reshape Clinic. Book your consultation today and let's embark on a journey that reshapes not just your thighs, but also your overall confidence and well-being.